See more news stories about our fellows below!

What a wonderful evening! Thank you to Dr. Fraser and the ID Division for arranging the use of this beautiful venue, and for all that were present to celebrate our graduating fellows 2023!
WashU ID welcomes ID fellows from Bangkok!
Once again, with the leadership of David Warren, MD, MPH, WashU ID welcomed four infectious diseases fellows from the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. The fellows had a three-week observership in healthcare epidemiology and infectious diseases. They spent a week rounding with WashU/Barnes-Jewish Hospital Infection Prevention staff and ID faculty involved in […]
WashU at IDWeek 2024
WashU ID rocked at the Infectious Diseases Society of America Annual Conference “IDWeek”. It was a busy week with representation in oral and poster presentations, expert panel discussions, and meeting up with friends and colleagues. Below are images of some of the week’s activities. Big thanks to Darcy Wooten, MD, MS for sharing highlights of […]
Chief ID Fellow, Reid Goodman, MD presents at IDWeek2024
Second year ID Fellow, Reid Goodman, MD presents his poster at the IDSA annual meeting “IDWeek” 2024 in Los Angeles. The poster, entitled “Ceftaroline vs Daptomycin as Definitive Treatment for MRSA Bone and Joint Infections”. Dr. Goodman will have a second presentation at the conference titled “AMR-Informed Antibiotic Use Metric”.
Donald Hong, MD to speak at National Sexual Health Conference
The 2024 National Sexual Health Conference (NSHC) is the premier national conference covering all aspects of sexual health while creating opportunities to share information, efforts, research, and best practices related to sexual health across the lifespan. The NSHC brings together clinicians, researchers, educators, social workers, community health workers, case workers, psychologists, pharmacists, and healthcare administrators […]
It’s Fellowship Application Time and We Have Highlights for You!
We are excited to announce our 4th video about the Infectious Diseases Division and our fellowship program This, our latest video narration was written by Caline Matter, MD, associate professor of medicine and associate director of our ID fellowship training program and Joseph Cherabie, MD, MSc, associate professor of medicine. A big thanks to all […]
Dr. Patrick Olson joins the Infectious Diseases Division
Dr. Patrick Olson joined the Department of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases as an instructor as of July 2024. He completed the Medical Scientist Training Program, residency, and infectious disease fellowship at Washington University School of Medicine. His basic science interests focus on how asymptomatic colonization with Staphylococcus aureus influences the development of […]
Dr. Marilia Pinzone joins the Infectious Diseases Division
Dr. Marilia Pinzone joined the Department of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases as an instructor in July 2024. She is an infectious disease physician-scientist with a research interest in studying how HIV reservoirs are formed and maintained as well as investigating the factors that drive poor immunological recovery and non-AIDS comorbidities in people […]
Welcome ID Fellows!
The ID Division gives a warm welcome to our new fellows. We are excited that you chose WashU for your Infectious Diseases Fellowship Training and look forward to working with you. Alex Hartlage, MD, PhD: “I was born and raised in Cincinnati. I completed my undergraduate and medical education at Ohio State University in Columbus […]
Congratulations to our 2024 ID Fellow Graduates!
The Infectious diseases Division celebrated our graduating fellows at a dinner held at Westwood Country Club on Thursday, June 21, 2024. We wish you all the best in your careers! Lovin George, MBBS, MD Lovin George, MD, PhDLovin will be an ID Consultant at Sanford Health, Bismarck, ND David Olaffson, MD David will join the […]
3rd Annual ID Research Symposium a Success!
on May 29, 2024, the ID Division hosted its Third Annual Research Symposium coordinated by second year ID fellow, David Olafsson, MD. Planning committee members included Bill Powderly, MD and Jen Philips, MD, PhD, co-directors of the division along with Jeff Henderson, MD, PhD and Andrej Spec, MD. Among the abstracts submitted, eight were chosen […]
ID Fellow Graduates Meet up at SHEA 2024
We are excited to announce our outstanding fellowship match!
We thank all of our faculty and staff for they do before and during recruitment season. We thank you for your enthusiasm and engagement during interviews, but also mentoring and taking extra time to meet with applicants and answer questions. A huge thank you to our current fellows who spent so much time highlighting our […]
Thanksgiving lunch gathering with our fellows
Every Thanksgiving the ID division hosts a pot luck of flavors from around the world. Although we missed photos of the food, we did manage to get a picture of those who participated. Happy Thanksgiving!
Miguel Chavez Concha, MD accepted into the 2023-2024 Teaching Scholars Program Cohort
Miguel Chavez Concha, MD, ID fellow alum ’21, was recommended to join the Teaching Scholars Program by excellent clinical educators, including his old program directors. He had always been interested in education and ways to innovate and improve teaching. The Teaching Scholars Program is a 12-month certificate program designed to enhance knowledge and skills, and […]
5 physician-scientists named Dean’s Scholars (Links to an external site)
Marilia Pinzone, MD, third year ID fellow, is among physician-scientists named Dean’s Scholars. Congratulations, Marilia!
Annual ID Research Symposium features keynote address
Washington University Infectious Diseases Division welcomed Amita Gupta, MD, MHS as the Inaugural J. Russell Little MD Lecturer at the 2023 Annual Infectious Diseases Research Symposium on June 22, 2023. J. Russell Little, MD, was on the faculty at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis from 1964 to 2005. He served as chief […]
So much to see and do in St. Louis! (Links to an external site)
Future ID Fellows…St. Louis, Missouri has so much to offer!
Faculty and trainees gather at annual SHEA meeting.
Washington University infectious diseases faculty and trainees met up for dinner at the 2023 Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) Spring Event hosted in Seattle, WA. Several trainees are training in the antibiotic stewardship program and infection prevention. Armaghan-e-Rehman Mansoor, MD, 2nd year ID fellow, was awarded the Jonathan Freeman Scholarship by the Society […]
Luis Parra-Rodriguez received CROI scholarship award.
Congratulations, Dr. Parra-Rodriguez, MD, third year fellow, for being selected for the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), New Investigator Scholarship. Scholarships are awarded based on the quality of the submitted abstract, application, and letter of recommendation. New Investigator Scholarship recipients are the presenting author of an accepted abstract. All scholarship recipients are required […]
ID welcomes incoming fellows!
Noah Chodos, MDMedical School: Albert Einstein College of Medicine Residency: Tufts Medical Center, Boston MA Zoë Leyh, DOMedical School: Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine Residency: St. Luke’s Hospital, St. Louis MO Antony Rawindraraj, DOMedical School: Campbell University Jerry M. Wallace School of Osteopathic Medicine Residency: University of Missouri, Columbia Reid Goodman, MDMedical School: New York […]
SHEA recognizes outstanding infectious diseases fellows
Armaghan-e-Rehman Mansoor, MD, 2nd year ID fellow, has been awarded the Jonathan Freeman Scholarship by the Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA). The award recognizes outstanding infectious disease fellows who demonstrate an interest in healthcare epidemiology. Dr. Mansoor’s primary research interest is in antibiotic stewardship, specifically in immunocompromised patients and in low resource settings. […]
ID Fellows celebrated poster presentations with fellowship program directors at IDWeek 2022.
Our ID fellows made a great showing at IDWeek! Congratulations to all who presented during the poster session.
Andrej Spec, MD, MSCI and Patrick Mazi, MD, clinical ID fellow, uncover a larger national geographical mapping of infections caused by fungi (Links to an external site)
Fellows receive IDWeek 2022 Abstract Travel Awards
Armaghan-e-Rehman Mansoor, MD, and Patrick Ching, MD, MPH, both second year ID fellows have been awarded Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) Trainee Abstract Travel Awards. The awards help defray the expenses of traveling to IDWeek, October 19-23, 2022, in Washington, DC. IDWeek offers several awards acknowledging distinguished, quality scientific research presented at IDWeek. Awards […]
Congratulations, 2022 ID Fellow Graduates!
Through many years of education, hard work and determination, you made it! Congratulations to all of our fellows who completed their infectious diseases (ID) fellowship training. Gayathri Krishnan, MD, is an instructor in medicine and a medical education fellow, working on her Masters in Health Professional Education at Washington University School of Medicine. “One thing […]
Our first of many fellows’ outings spring 2022
Our first outing this spring started at the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum at Washington University Danforth Campus talking about art and public health followed by dinner at K-BOP St. Louis. We were also joined virtually by Gerome Escota, MD, former co-director of the ID Fellowship program at WashU.
IDFellowsCup, A friendly competition amongst bug-lovers in training
77 : teams 617 : total players 394 : fellows 82 : pre-fellows (or ID enthusiast) 190 : international players Should be excellent competition and opportunity to learn together! Check it out @IDFellowsCup
Gayathri Krishnan, MD, second year ID fellow presents posters at Annual Social Media Summit 2022
Dr. Krishnan presents poster on #SocialMediaAdvocacy at the Annual Social Media summit at #SGIM22 #SGIM2022 – She was very excited to be at a national conference in-person, interacting with innovative medical educators, & starting a dialogue!
ID Fellows meet with CDC Director
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, CDC Director, 2022 Gerald Medoff Visiting Professor
Rochelle Walensky, MD,MPH, was welcomed today at the Internal Medicine grand rounds to discuss the pandemic with William G. Powderly, MD, the J. William Campbell Professor of Medicine and co-director of the Division of Infectious Diseases. Their conversation centered on domestic and global challenges facing public health officials as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic […]
ID Division fills all five fellowship positions in the match
The ID Division is excited to work with our incoming fellows in July 2022. In recent years there had been a decline in applicants to infectious diseases training programs. This year, there are 52 (30%) ID programs in the match with unfilled spots. We are aware that there are insufficient applicants to meet the ever […]
Two ID Fellows will be honored Dec. 6 with prestigious Excellence Award
Patrick Olson, MD, PhD and Abby Sung, MD, Infectious Diseases Fellows who trained in the Washington University School of Medicine Internal Medicine (WUSM IM) Residency Program, will be honored with the Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital 2021 Knowlton Incentive for Excellence Award. The award recognizes and supports current fellows who trained in the WUSM residency program […]
Nathan Nolan, MD, MPH and Gayathri Krishnan, MD, both fellows, appointed to IDSA committees
Nathan Nolan, MD, MPH completed his ID fellowship in 2021 and is currently an instructor in medicine in infectious diseases and a medical education fellow. Dr. Nolan has been appointed to the IDSA Medical Education Community of Practice (COP). The COP committee represents members of the IDSA working to support the community of ID clinician educators, […]
Dr. Nathan Nolan will present at this year’s AIMW22!
Three School of Medicine faculty, Lisa Zickuhr, MD, MHPE , Assistant Professor, Rheumatology, Frank O’Brien, MBBCH, MRCPI , Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, and Nathan Nolan, MD, MPH , Instructor in Medicine, Infectious Diseases Division (alumnus 2019), and Medical Education Fellow will conduct a workshop about integrating Health Equity into fellowship training curricula, […]
Second year fellow, Gayathri Krishnan, MD, creates online platform for women professionals in the field of Infectious Diseases
Women in Infectious Diseases (WIID) is created for women professionals in ID to collaborate, promote, support, advocate, embrace, encourage and nurture each other and to celebrate all the amazing work being done by women in the field of Infectious Diseases. Our motto in WIID is “for women, with women, by women in ID”. According to AAMC, […]
ID Fellows create video to show prospective fellow candidates what fellowship is like at WashU
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis is prepared to conduct virtual interviews of potential candidates to join our ID fellowship program. Since candidates are not visiting onsite, our fellows decided to create a video that shows canididates around the medical campus while they share what it is like to […]
Gayaythri Krishnan, MD chosen as Chief ID Fellow for FY 2022
Dr. Krishnan was selected by her ID fellow peers to serve as the second Chief ID Fellow. She follow Nathan Nolan, MD and recent graduate of the ID Fellowhip program . Honored, humbled and ecstatic about this new responsibility, Gayathry hopes to promote Fellow wellness and trainee education. “Thank you @WashUID for entrusting me with […]
Gayathri Krishnan, MD, first year fellow, submitted a recently published paper
Comparison of Blood (1->3)-β-D-Glucan Levels in AIDS-Related Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia and AIDS-Related Progressive Disseminated Histoplasmosis. Michael Saccente, Gayathri Krishnan. Clinical Infectious Diseases, ciab277, Relevance: Beta D glucan is a noninvasive test used for diagnosis of fungal infections and is helpful in patients with immunosuppressed conditions. Dr. Krishnan et al also published a case report in the Arkansas […]
Miguel Chavez Concha, MD, MSc, receives Jonathon Freeman Award
Miguel Chavez Concha, MD, MSc, first year fellow, is a 2021 recipient of the Jonathan Freeman Scholarship. The award is was established by SHEA to promote the training of outstanding infectious disease fellows who demonstrate interest in the field of healthcare epidemiology. The award is intended to support infection control professionals’ scholarly activities in hospital […]
Five fellows present 9 posters at IDWEEK 2020
Armaghan-e-Rehman Mansoor, MD, first year fellow presented a poster at IDWeek 2020, Increasing incidence of obstructive sleep apnea in patients with HIV: A nationwide database analysis. Oral presentation: A nationwide analysis of the trends and outcomes of Cryptococcal Meningitis in the United States. Mansoor A., Sarwari A.R. IDWeek 2020, October 2020 Daniel Vo, MD, second […]
Podcast: Preventing COVID-19 among unhoused people
Nathanial S. Nolan, MD, MPH, second year ID fellow, joins Steven Y. Liang, MD, an associate professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases,to create a new episode of ‘Show Me the Science’, produced by the Office of Medical Public Affairs at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and discusses the risks of […]
Juan Calix, MD, PhD completes ID fellowship and joins the Division of Infectious Diseases
Juan Calix, MD, PhD, ID fellow alum 2020, joined the Department of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases as an Instructor in April. Dr. Calix was born in New Orleans, LA but lived much of his youth in his family’s native El Salvador. He moved back to the United States to obtain his bachelor’s […]
Nathan Nolan, MD, MPH
Nathan Nolan, MD, MPH, 1st year fellow, served on one of the American Medical Association (AMA) Reference Committees at their interim meeting November 16-20, 2019. The Reference Committee hears the testimony to present a consensus report for review to the house of delegates. Dr. Nolan represented the American College of Physicians as a Delegate to […]
Four fellows present posters at IDWEEK 2019
Sasinuch Rutjanawech, MD, 1st year fellow – Poster#1699 Presentations and Outcomes of Histoplasma Capsulatum Infection Vary by Immune Status: A Retrospective Cohort Study and 2108 Comparison of Voriconazole versus Itraconazole in the Treatment of Histoplasmosis – A Retrospective Analysis Frances Lahrman, MD, 2nd year fellow – Poster #1474 – Epidemiology and Outcomes of Hospitalized Patients with Urinary Tract Infections […]
Laura Marks, MD, PhD
Laura Marks, MD, PhD, second year fellow, had a featured case in the New England Journal of Medicine of Glandular Tularemia.A 68-year-old man from Missouri presented to the primary care clinic with a history of 1 week of fever followed by 2 months of progressive, painful swelling on the right side of his neck.Two days prior, […]
Katie and Lee Connor celebrate their newest addition, Finn Garrett Connor. He was born on September 28, 2018 at 1:15 am. He was 7lbs 1 oz and 20.3 inches long. Katie is a registered dietitian and Lee is an Infectious Diseases Fellow. Baby Finn has one brother, an eight-year-old cat, named Winston.
Matt Hevey, MD
Second year ID fellow, Matt Hevey, MD, presented a poster on the “Presentation and Outcome of Cryptococcal Infections” at the Mycoses Study Group Education & Research Consortium Biennial meeting “Clinical Mycology Today” in Big Sky, Montana on September 28, 2018.
First and second year fellows receive travel grants to IDWeek 2018
First year fellows, Matthew Hevey, MD and Kap Sum Foong, MD, along with second year fellows, Abdullah Aljorayid, MD, Juan Calix, MD, PhD, Carlos Mejia, MD, and Jane O’Halloran, MD, PhD, and will be attending IDWeek 2018 October 3-7 in San Francisco, CA. Each have submitted abstracts which have been accepted for poster presentations and […]
2018 ID Division Annual Spring Picnic – hosted by second-year fellows
A great time was had by all in attendance at the second year fellows’ picnic. This is an annual occasion when 2nd year fellows plan, organize, bar-b-que and serve up a delicious meal for ID Division faculty and staff. This year’s picnic was located in Tower Grove Park which affords plenty of room to play […]
Second year fellows receive travel grants to IDWeek 2017
Carlos Mejia, MD, Jane O’Halloran, MD, PhD, and Krunal Raval, MD will be attending IDWeek 2017 October 4-8 in San Diego, CA. Each have submitted abstracts which have been accepted for presentations. Carlos’s abstract was accepted for an oral presentation. Jane and Krunal will be presenting posters. They all have been selected to receive IDWeek […]