Our training programs offer a variety of clinical and scientific opportunities for the motivated learner seeking to grow in an innovative environment. Our faculty have led the way to free open-access medical education and our fellows developed a network of 5,000 members strong to promote clinical reasoning.
Leaders in Innovative Medical Education for All Learners
- Home of @WuidQ, our free open-access medical education (FOAMed) resource in infectious diseases, managed by the co-directors of the Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program, Gerome Escota, MD, associate professor of medicine, and Ige George, MD, MSc, assistant professor of medicine.
- Home of “Comprehensive Review of Infectious Diseases” – one of the most popular books used for Infectious Diseases (ID) board review
- Home of the Washington University Manual (including Infectious Disease Subspecialty Consult)
- Follow the Infectious Diseases Fellows Network @ID_Fellows

The ID Fellows Network was created by our ID fellows as a collaborative resource to promote ID clinical reasoning for #IDfellows | Team: Too many to count | #IDTwitter #IDMedEd | infectiousdiseasesfellows@gmail.com
- @WASHUID for announcements and news stories.
Medical students and residents
A clinical elective in infectious diseases is open to 4th-year medical students and residents at Washington University School of Medicine and Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Visiting medical students and residents from other institutions are also welcome and should contact Ige George, MD, MS at igeorge@wustl.edu director of the fellowship program, or Caline Mattar, MD, associate program director, at cmattar@wustl.edu for further information.
STI/HIV Prevention
The St. Louis STI/HIV Prevention Training Center (PTC) is part of the prestigious Washington University School of Medicine.
Funded by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the PTC is dedicated to increasing the knowledge and skills of health and community-based providers in the area of sexual and reproductive health through state of the art training programs emphasizing all aspects of clinical and program management. These programs include sexual and reproductive health promotion, clinical diagnosis of STIs, medical management and prevention of STIs and HIV. The PTC offers technical support and training to health department and other community health providers across six states including Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Wisconsin.
Infectious Diseases Society of St. Louis (IDSTL)
The IDSSL promotes professional education, cooperation and fellowship among its members, while providing members with new information and techniques in the treatment of infectious diseases. All ID fellows in training are offered free membership.