Alumni Division Announcements

Nathan Nolan, MD, and colleagues will present workshop at AAIMW22


Dr. Nathan Nolan, instructor in medicine, division of infectious diseases, along with Frank O’Brien, MBBCh, MRCPI, assistant professor of medicine, division of nephrology and Lisa Zickuhr, MD, assistant professor of medicine, division of rheumatology, submitted a workshop proposal for the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine Week 2022 (AIMW22). Their submission,  “Interprofessional, Multidisciplinary Case Conferences: A Novel Approach to Integrating Health Equity Education into Graduate Medical Training Programs” was accepted for workshop presentation at the AIMW22, April 10-13 2022.

Dr. Nolan is also a medical education fellow who specializes in clinical medicine and education, with a special focus on marginalized populations, including patients who use drugs and patients who are unhoused. His research has focused on infection prevention in homeless shelters and managing infections in people admitted with complications of injection drug use.

Dr. Zickuhr is investigating how medical education materials might contribute to healthcare disparities.