Our faculty are heavily involved in research and mentoring. Details of basic science and clinical translational science are on our Research page.

Jennifer A. Philips, MD, PhD
Theodore and Bertha Bryan Professor, Departments of Medicine and Molecular Microbiology; Co-director, Infectious Diseases Division
- Phone: 314-747-8058
- Email: philips.j.a@nospam.wustl.edu
Dr. Philips is principal investigator of an NIH-funded lab that studies how Mycobacterium tuberculosis evades the host immune response.

William G. Powderly, MD
J. William Campbell Professor of Medicine & Co-director, Infectious Diseases Division
- Phone: 314-454-8287
- Fax: 314-454-8294
- Email: wpowderly@nospam.wustl.edu
Dr. Powderly has been actively involved in HIV-related clinical research for over thirty years with specific interests in opportunistic infections, metabolic complications and long-term outcomes of antiretroviral therapy.

Stephen Y. Liang, MD, MPHS
Associate Professor of Medicine
- Phone: 314-454-8354
- Fax: 314-454-5392
- Email: syliang@wustl.edu
Dr. Liang’s primary research interests include trauma-related infections, orthopedic infections, device-associated infections, and management of infectious diseases and infection prevention in emergency care settings.

Julia López, PhD, MPH, LCSW
Assistant Professor of Medicine
- Phone: 314-454-8249
- Email: julialopez@wustl.edu
Dr. López is a public health researcher who uses her clinical practice skills to further advance the field of sexual health using public health and social work theories and frameworks.

Hongming Ma PhD
Instructor in Medicine
- Phone: 314-362-2847
- Email: hongmingma@wustl.edu
Dr. Ma is skilled in Cell Biology, Science, Molecular Biology, Research, and Teaching. Strong education professional with a Ph. D. focused in Immunology of aquatic animals from Ocean University of China.

Laura Marks, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Dr. Marks specializes in clinical infectious diseases with a special focus on infectious complications in people who inject drugs.

Jonas Marschall, MD
Professor of Medicine
- Phone: (314) 454-8354
- Email: jmarscha@wustl.edu
Dr. Marschall specializes in clinical and epidemiological research in infectious diseases, with a focus on healthcare-associated infections. His research has mostly been on bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections, and surgical site infections. He attends patients on the inpatient consult service at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

Caline Mattar, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
- Phone: 314-454-8354
- Fax: 314-454-5392
- Email: cmattar@wustl.edu
Dr. Mattar’s interest is in healthcare epidemiology and global health, more specifically in infection prevention in resource limited settings. Additionally, her current work involves bloodtsream and endovascular infections.

Patrick B. Mazi, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Dr. Mazi’s research focuses on fungal infections, mentored by Drs. Andrej Spec and Bill Powderly, as well as clinical outcomes and clinical trials, mentored by Drs. Rachel Presti and Jane O’Halloran.

Madeline McCrary, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Sept 2023)
- Email: mccrary@wustl.edu
Dr. McCrary specializes in clinical infectious diseases and addiction medicine with a special focus on the infectious complications of substance use, such as Hepatitis C and Serratia endocarditis, and related quality improvement initiatives.

Jay R. McDonald, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
- Phone: 314-454-8354
- Fax: 314-454-5392
- Email: jay.mcdonald1@va.gov
Dr. McDonalds’s interests are in hospital epidemiology, health care-associated infections, bacterial endocarditis, Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea, surgical site infections, health services research and using administrative data to answer clinical questions.

Mark J. Miller, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine
- Phone: 314-362-3044
- Fax: 314-362-4096
- Email: mmiller23@wustl.edu
Dr. Miller manages core operations, technical & scientific consultations , 2-photon imaging. His interests are in vivo imaging approaches to study cellular immunity, in particular cellular mechanisms of antigen presentation and leukocyte trafficking during infection and inflammation.

Makedonka Mitreva, PhD
The Robert E. and Louise F. Dunn Professor of Medical Sciences, Departments of Medicine and Genetics
- Phone: 314-286-2005
- Fax: 314-286-1810
- Email: mmitreva@wustl.edu
Dr. Mitreva is an internationally acclaimed scientist who leads a basic and translational research program studying neglected tropical diseases, specifically helminth infections. Her enduring dedication to enhancing omics-driven discoveries and their clinical applications is paving the way for long-lasting improvements in global health.

Ekansh Mittal, PhD
Instructor in Medicine
- Email: emittal@wustl.edu
Dr. Mittal specializes in the intricate dynamics of host-pathogen interactions, with a particular emphasis on the innate immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb).