Gayathri Krishnan is an assistant professor of medicine. She completed her ID fellowship in 2022 at WUSM. She finished medical school at Government Medical College in India and residency training at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) in Little Rock, Arkansas. She completed chief residency at UAMS and joined WUSM for ID fellowship.
Dr. Krishnan served as the ID Chief fellow for AY 2021- 2022. She also serves as the Lead for the inaugural Fellows Council in the department of medicine, the site lead for Ambulatory Infectious Diseases Immersions, fellow representative in FWIM and she is the founder of Women in Infectious Diseases online forum which amplifies and support incredible work done by women professionals in ID. She is part of the organizing committee for the multidisciplinary interprofessional Health Equity Case Conferences for fellows and is She is also an elected member of Infectious Diseases Society of America’s Mentorship Workgroup, Fellows Subcommittee and works as a Fellow Liaison for the IDSA’s inaugural ADE&I committee.
Dr. Krishnan’s research/interest focuses on Transplant ID/Mycology, mentored by Dr. Ige George and Dr. Anupam Pande, Medical Education mentored by Dr. Abby Spencer, Dr. Steve Lawrence and Dr. Patricia Kao, addressing equity and gender bias in ID, empowering and amplifying women professionals in Infectious Diseases, mentored by Dr. Hilary Babcock. Highlights of her fellowship training so far include: 2 Trainee Travel Grant awards, 11 poster presentations in 3 years at national and regional conferences, 1 oral presentation in American Transplant Congress, several invited local, regional and national talks and discussion panels, and four publications. Dr. Krishnan also organized and implemented the division’s first research symposium.
I chose WUSM for fellowship training because of the wonderful and amiable people in the division, highly resourceful and supportive faculty, great work environment, active mentorship opportunities and an administration that is open to feedback and responsive to change.
- BS: Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala India (2015)
- MD: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock AK (2019)
- Residency: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock AK (2020)
- Infectious Diseases Fellowship: Washington University School of Medicine (2022)
- Medical Education Fellow, Washington University School of Medicine (2022-Current)
- Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG)
- American Board of Internal Medicine – Board Certified
- American Board of Internal Medicine – Infectious Diseases
- Chief ID Fellow FY 2021-2022
- Founding member and lead, Infectious Diseases Annual Research Symposium Organizing Committee, Washington University School of Medicine (2022)
- Forum for Women in Internal Medicine (FWIM) Leadership Development Program for Women Trainees in Medicine – Selection, Planning and Organizing committee (2022)
- ID Week 2022 Trainee Award @Women_in_ID: A Social Media Platform for Advocacy and Amplification of Women in Infectious Diseases. Poster presentation at IDWeek 2022 October 21st, under Innovations in Medical Education.
- Elected committee member, Infectious Diseases Society of America’s Medical Education Community of Practice Mentorship Resources Work Group (2-year appointment 2021)
- Elected committee member, Infectious Diseases Society of America’s Fellows’ Subcommittee (3-year appointment 2021)
- Fellow liaison, Infectious Diseases Society of America’s ADE&I (3-year appointment 2021)
- House Staff Representative in Graduate Medical Education Committee Washington University School of Medicine/ Barnes-Jewish Hospital
- Founder, Women in Infectious Diseases – online forum supporting women professionals in ID @Women_in_ID
Dr. Krishnan plans to pursue a Masters in Health Professions Education and complete a fellowship in Transplant ID and Medical Education.
- Michael Saccente, MD, Gayathri Krishnan, MD, Comparison of Blood (1->3)-β-D-Glucan Levels in AIDS-Related Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia and AIDS-Related Progressive Disseminated Histoplasmosis, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2021;, ciab277, https://doi.org/10.1093/cid/ciab277
- Grace C. Wang, Miranda J. Wallace, Gayathri Krishnan, Patrick D. Olson; Abigail L. Y. Carlson, Gautam Dantas, James M. Fleckenstein. A case of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis caused by Bordetella hinzii. Accepted for publication in Emerging Infectious Diseases.
- Krishnan, G., Udaondo Z, Jun SR, Kothari A. 869. Outbreak of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREfm) in a Hematology Unit Identified Through Whole Genome Sequencing. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2020;7(Suppl 1):S472-S474. Published 2020 Dec 31. doi:10.1093/ofid/ofaa439.1058