Our faculty are heavily involved in research and mentoring. Details of basic science and clinical translational science are on our Research page.

Jennifer A. Philips, MD, PhD
Theodore and Bertha Bryan Professor, Departments of Medicine and Molecular Microbiology; Co-director, Infectious Diseases Division
- Phone: 314-747-8058
- Email: philips.j.a@nospam.wustl.edu
Dr. Philips is principal investigator of an NIH-funded lab that studies how Mycobacterium tuberculosis evades the host immune response.

William G. Powderly, MD
J. William Campbell Professor of Medicine & Co-director, Infectious Diseases Division
- Phone: 314-454-8287
- Fax: 314-454-8294
- Email: wpowderly@nospam.wustl.edu
Dr. Powderly has been actively involved in HIV-related clinical research for over thirty years with specific interests in opportunistic infections, metabolic complications and long-term outcomes of antiretroviral therapy.

Maria Cristina Vazquez Guillamet, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
- Phone: 314-454-8215
- Email: m.c.vazquezguillamet@wustl.edu
Dr. Vazquez Guillamet’s main research interest is in infections caused by mutidrug resistant microbes in critically ill patients. She applies new methods to better stratify and predict the epidemiology, trajectories and outcomes of ICU patients at risk for MDR pathogens

Daniel T. Vo, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
- Email: d.vo@wustl.edu
Dr. Vo’s joined the faculty in 2021. His interests lie with HIV/STI/PrEp and Public Health and Implementation Science.

David K. Warren, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine
- Phone: 314-454-8225
- Fax: 314-454-5392
- Email: dwarren@wustl.edu
Dr. Warren specializes in clinical research in Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Prevention, with a special focus on the epidemiology and prevention of device-related infections and surgical site infections, plus improving diagnostic stewardship of microbiological testing to accurately diagnose infectious diseases.

Gary J. Weil, MD
Gerald and Judith Medoff Professor of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine and Professor, Molecular Microbiology
- Phone: 314-747-5198
- Fax: 314-454-5293
- Email: gweil@wustl.edu
Dr. Weil’s research group conducts research on filarial nematode parasites that cause important tropical diseases such as elephantiasis and river blindness. This includes basic research on parasite biology and translational research to develop improved diagnostic tests and treatments.

Darcy Wooten, MD
Professor of Medicine and Associate Chief for Medical Education
- Email: darcyw@wustl.edu