The innovative work of Gerome Escota, MD, and Ige George, MD, both assistant professors of medicine, were honored during the Infectious Diseases Society of America’s (IDSA) second annual IDEA Incubator, a competition hosted by IDSA to showcase inventions, products and devices designed to improve patient care for infectious diseases during ID Week.
Drs. Escota and George were among four finalists to make it through the final round to compete for the grand prize in front of an expert panel of judges from the business, technology, and medical industries. Together they showcased their creation of a Twitter-based platform, @WuidQ: Washington University ID Questions, which is the first free open-access medical education resource to provide review of infectious diseases through board-style, multiple-choice questions.
Awarded the grand prize for an outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy monitoring device were Sai Dodda, a student at the St. Louis College of Pharmacy, and Chris Sleckman, MS, engineer, Clayton, Missouri, both of HIVE, a student-run biotech startup at Washington University in St. Louis.
Several of our faculty and fellows were present to support the competition and attend the annual ID Reunion sponsored by the ID Division.