ID Division fills all five fellowship positions in the match

The ID Division is excited to work with our incoming fellows in July 2022. In recent years there had been a decline in applicants to infectious diseases training programs. This year, there are 52 (30%) ID programs in the match with unfilled spots. We are aware that there are insufficient applicants to meet the ever […]

Second year fellow, Gayathri Krishnan, MD, creates online platform for women professionals in the field of Infectious Diseases

Women in Infectious Diseases (WIID) is created for women professionals in ID to collaborate, promote, support, advocate, embrace, encourage and nurture each other and to celebrate all the amazing work being done by women in the field of Infectious Diseases. Our motto in WIID is “for women, with women, by women in ID”. According to AAMC, […]

ID Fellows create video to show prospective fellow candidates what fellowship is like at WashU

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis is prepared to conduct virtual interviews of potential candidates to join our ID fellowship program. Since candidates are not visiting onsite, our fellows decided to create a video that shows canididates around the medical campus while they share what it is like to […]

Congratulations to our class of 2021 graduating fellows!

Program Directors and Graduates 2021 (l-r) Dr. Nigar Kirmani, program director, Drs. Patrick Mazi, Joseph Cherabie, Miguel Chavez, Nathan Nolan, Sasinuch Rutjanawech, and Gerome Escota, MD, program co-director.

We are so proud of this graduating class of fellows. Their achievements are many and mentioned below in a brief synopsis of each fellow. Miguel Chavez, MD, MSc is the recipient of the 2021 SHEA Jonathan Freeman Scholarship Award, has published 2 peer reviewed articles, and presented 3 posters (healthcare epidemiology, microbiology, fungal infection and […]

Gayaythri Krishnan, MD chosen as Chief ID Fellow for FY 2022

Dr. Krishnan was selected by her ID fellow peers to serve as the second Chief ID Fellow. She follow Nathan Nolan, MD and recent graduate of the ID Fellowhip program . Honored, humbled and ecstatic about this new responsibility, Gayathry hopes to promote Fellow wellness and trainee education. “Thank you @WashUID for entrusting me with […]

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have received $2.95 million Gates Foundation grant to develop better diagnostic tests for worm infections (Links to an external site)

Global campaigns to eliminate two tropical parasitic worm infections have been hindered by lack of good diagnostic tools. Since the turn of the century, multinational mass drug-treatment efforts have cut the number of people at risk of lymphatic filariasis and onchocerciasis by more than half, but more than half a billion people remain at risk. […]

Gerald Medoff Visiting Professor grand rounds lecture series features Dr. Fauci providing an update on COVID-19 to School of Medicine faculty, staff, students

Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), spoke today about the state of the COVID-19 pandemic as part of the Department of Medicine’s virtual, weekly Grand Rounds. The online talk — part of the Gerald Medoff Visiting Professor grand rounds lecture series […]

WUSM ID Fellows, Miguel Chavez and Nathanial Nolan, launch ID Fellows Network on Twitter (#ID_fellows), an educational space for fellows by fellows

Inspired by all the fantastic #MedEd content provided by #IDtwitter community, several fellows have joined resources to create the ID Fellows Network (#ID_fellows), an educational space for fellows by fellows.This is a collaborative approach to promote ID clinical reasoning for fellows.  In just under 2 months they have over 2,400 Followers. They share tweetorials, clinical […]

Welcome Fellows to ID!

Congratulations to our 2020 Fellows in Training on completing their first day as Infectious Diseases Fellows at Washington University School of Medicine. Your next two years will be both challenging and rewarding.    You are the next generation of ID specialists in science, clinical care and education. Meet our fellows.

Julia López, PhD, MPH, LCSW along with med students and community partners, are doing work to help disseminate COVID information to the Spanish-speaking community.

This week faculty and fellows in ID are taking turns on topics with Spanish-speaking podcasts to air on Soy De Rancho Radio Online. Soy de Rancho was  established in St. Louis through the grassroots organization – Latinos en Axión STL. Speakers include: Juan Calix, MD, PhD, Instructor of Medicine completing Physician Scientist Training ProgramCarlos Mejia […]

Four Fellows present posters at IDWeek 2019

FELLOWS’ POSTER PRESENTATIONS AT IDWEEK 2019 Sasinuch Rutjanawech, MD, 1st year fellow – Poster#1699 Presentations and Outcomes of Histoplasma Capsulatum Infection Vary by Immune Status: A Retrospective Cohort Study and 2108 Comparison of Voriconazole versus Itraconazole in the Treatment of Histoplasmosis – A Retrospective Analysis Frances Lahrman, MD, 2nd year fellow – Poster #1474 – […]

“It’s Not Just an Opioid Epidemic – It’s an Overdose Epidemic”

Study Shows Infections are a Common “Side Effect” of Intravenous Drug Use Infectious Diseases Fellow, Laura Marks MD, PhD sees it all too often: rising intravenous drug use leads to startling and often life-threatening infections. On the one hand, 130 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose however, on the other, Dr. Marks sees the issue […]

Gerome Escota, MD selected to chair Teaching and Learning Resources Work Group of IDSA

The Infectious Diseases Society of American Medical Education Community of Practice Committee (IDSA Med Ed COP) recently selected Gerome Escota, MD, assistant professor of medicine, infectious diseases division, to chair the Teaching and Learning Resources (TLR) Work Group of the IDSA Med Ed COP. This appointment will be for three years. As the TLR Work […]

Dr. Escota, Lawrence and Kirmani receive distinguished service teaching awards

Distinguished Service Teaching Awards were awarded for the 2018-2019 academic year. Three of our infectious diseases faculty were recently honored for their service. Clerkship Director of the Year Gerome Escota, MDAssistant Professor of MedicineClerkship Director in Medicine Second Year Awards, Class of 2021Distinguised Service Teaching Awards Nigar Kirmani, MDProfessor of MeidicineProgram Director, Infectious Diseases Fellowship […]

Powderly honored with Distinguished Graduate Award by University College Dublin (UCD) Medical Graduates Association

William G. Powderly, MD, the J. William Campbell Professor of Medicine & Co-director, Infectious Diseases Division, received the UCD Medical Graduates Association (MGA) Distinguished Graduate Award at their MGA Reunion 2019. The UCD MGA Distinguished Graduate Awards are awarded to outstanding graduates of the UCD School of Medicine, who are nominated by their alumni in […]

Welcome First-Year Infectious Diseases Fellows!

We would like to introduce you to our incoming 2019 ID fellows. We are looking forward to working with you! Miguel Chaves, MD, MScMedical School: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Facultad de Medicina Alberto Hurtado, PeruResidency: University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX Joseph Cherabie, MD, MScMedical School: American University of Beirut Faculty of Medicine, LebanonResidency: […]