Philip J. Budge, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Dr. Budge specializes in translational, public health-related research, with a special focus on filarial infections—insect-borne threadlike parasitic worms that cause lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis), onchocerciasis (river blindness), and loiasis (African eye worm). Basic science work in the Budge lab aims to improve diagnostic tools for filarial infections through the identification of novel biomarkers. Clinical and epidemiologic research in Dr. Budge’s research group includes clinical trials of treatments for lymphatic filariasis, and validation of research tools for filarial infections. Key to this research are collaborations with international partners; the Budge lab is currently collaborating on clinical trials and/or field studies in Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, and Sri Lanka. Dr. Budge attends on the general ID consult service teaching fellows, residents, and students.
He is currently mentoring one ID fellow and one undergraduate student. The Budge Lab welcomes fellows, residents, and students interested in parasitic and neglected tropical diseases.
Infectious Diseases Clinic
620 South Taylor Ave., Suite 100
St. Louis, MO 63110
Medical Director, Employee COVID-19 Call Center, Washington University in in St. Louis and BJC Healthcare
Member, International Research with Human Subjects Committee
- BS, Molecular Biology: Brigham Young University, Provo, UT (1998)
- Medical Degree: Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN (2007)
- Epidemic Intelligence Service, Parasitic Diseases and Malaria: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA (2011)
- PhD, Microbiology and Immunology: Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN (2003)
- Residency, Internal Medicine: Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN (2009)
- Fellowship, Infectious Diseases: Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN (2014)
- American Board of Internal Medicine
- American Board of Internal Medicine, Subspecialty of Infectious Diseases
- Golden Pen Award, Florida Environmental Health Association (2012)
- Kirschstein National Research Service Award Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center (2013, 2014)
- Outstanding Fellow in Infectious Diseases, Vanderbilt University Medical Center (2014)
- American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (2014-2015, 2017-2018, 2020)
- BioMed Research International (2013)
- Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik (2018)
- The BMJ (2018)
- Journal of Clinical Medicine (2020)
- Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2016, 2021)
- Lancet Infectious Diseases (2016)
- Lymphatic Research and Biology (2018 – 2020)
- Open Forum Infectious Diseases (2020)
- Parasitology Research (2019, 2021)
- PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases (2013 – 2021)
- PLoS One (2013 – 2014)
- Scientific Reports (2021)
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (2015, 2018)
- Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases (2017, 2019)
- UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Medical Research Council (2020)
- Hertz MI, Rush A, Nutman TB, Weil GJ, Bennuru S, Budge PJ. Characterization of glycan determinants that mediate recognition of the major Wuchereria bancrofti circulating antigen by diagnostic antibodies. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2020:111317.
- Zhou C, Yahathugoda C, De Silva L, Rathnapala U, Owen G, Weerasooriya M, Rao RU, Weil GJ, Budge PJ. Portable infrared imaging for longitudinal limb volume monitoring in patients with lymphatic filariasis. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2019;13(10):e0007762
- Hertz MI, Nana-Djeuna H, Kamgno J, Njouendou AJ, Chunda VC, Wanji S, Rush A, Fischer PU, Weil GJ, Budge PJ. Identification and characterization of Loa loa antigens responsible for cross-reactivity with rapid diagnostic tests for lymphatic filariasis. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2018: 12:e0006963
Bibliography – Philip J. Budge