Megan Tierney Baldridge, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Departments of Medicine and Molecular Microbiology
- Phone: 314-273-1212
- Email: mbaldridge@nospam.wustl.edu
The Baldridge Lab studies interactions of the intestinal commensal microbiota with viral (such as murine norovirus) and bacterial pathogens, and the regulation of these interactions by the mucosal innate immune system. The lab also explores viral evolution and phenotypic alterations in different immunological and anatomical contexts, using murine norovirus as a model.
- Edison Family Center for Genome Sciences & Systems Biology Faculty Member
- BA, Biochemistry and Cell Biology: Rice University, Houston TX (2003)
- PhD, Molecular and Human Genetics: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX (2009)
- MD, Medicine: Baylor College of Medicine, Houston TX (2011)
- Postdoc in Pathology & Immunology: Washington University, St. Louis, MO (2016)
- 2018 Pew Biomedical Scholar
- 2023 Elected Member to the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI)
- Peterson ST*, Kennedy E*, Brigleb P, Taylor G, Urbanek K, Bricker T, Lee S, Shin H, Dermody T, Boon ACM, and Baldridge MT (2019). Disruption of type III interferon genes Ifnl2 and Ifnl3 recapitulates loss of the type III IFN receptor in the mucosal antiviral response. Journal of Virology, Accepted. *equal contribution.
- Lee S, Liu H, Wilen CB, Sychev ZE, Desai C, Hykes BL, Orchard RC, McCune BT, Kim K, Nice TJ, Handley SA, Baldridge MT, Amarasinghe GK, Virgin HW (2019). A Secreted Viral Nonstructural Protein Determines Intestinal Norovirus Pathogenesis. Cell Host & Microbe, 25(6):845-857.
- Ingle H*, Lee S*, Ai T, Orvedahl A, Rodgers R, Zhao G, Sullender M, Peterson ST, Locke M, Liu TC, Yokoyama CC, Sharp B, Schultz-Cherry S, Miner JJ, Baldridge MT (2019). Viral complementation of immunodeficiency confers protection against enteric pathogens via interferon-λ. Nature Microbiology, 4(7):1120-1128. *equal contribution
- Bennion BG*, Ingle H*, Ai TL, Miner CA, Platt DJ, Smith AM, Baldridge MT#, Miner JJ# (2018). A human gain-of-function STING mutation causes immunodeficiency and gammaherpesvirus-induced pulmonary fibrosis in mice. Journal of Virology, pii: JVI.01806-18. *equal contribution, #co-corresponding
- Baldridge MT, Nice TJ, McCune BT, Yokoyama C, Kambal A, Wheadon M, Lazear HM, Diamond MS, Ivanova Y, Artyomov M, Virgin HW. (2015). Commensal microbes and interferon-λ determine persistence off enteric murine norovirus infection. Science, 347(6219):266-9.