Leah Madeline McCrary is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases and the Medical Director of the Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) program. She attends on the general and the bone and joint ID consult services teaching fellows, residents, and students. She also sees patients in the general ID clinic and with the Bridge to Health program.
Dr. McCrary specializes in clinical infectious diseases and addiction medicine with a special focus on the infectious complications of substance use, such as Hepatitis C and Serratia endocarditis, and related quality improvement initiatives. She enjoys working with people who use drugs to reach their health goals. Dr. McCrary has a particular interest in increasing access to Hepatitis C treatment for people who use drugs, pregnant persons and rural populations through quality improvement, telehealth and program development and implementation. She is currently collaborating with Dr. Laura Marks (ID) and Dr. Jeannie Kelly (OB/MFM) to integrate an ID clinic into the perinatal substance use program with the aim of improving Hepatitis C care during and after pregnancy.
Infectious Diseases Clinic
620 South Taylor Ave., Suite 100
St. Louis, MO 63110
- Medical Director of the Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) Program
- BA, Duke University, Durham, NC (2011)
- MD, University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC (2017)
- Residency: Internal Medicine, Christiana Care Health System, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University, Newark, DE (2020)
- Fellowship: Infectious Diseases, UNC Health, Chapel Hill, NC (2022)
- Fellowship: Addiction Medicine, UNC Health, Chapel Hill, NC (2023)
- American Board of Internal Medicine
- American Board of Internal Medicine, Subspecialty of Infectious Diseases
- Addiction Medicine (2023)
- Duke University, The Paul Farmer Award for Justice and Social Responsibility, May 2011
- Duke University, Anne McDougall Memorial Award, May 2011
- IDWeek Trainee Award, 2021
- IDWeek Trainee Abstract Travel Award, 2022
- AMERSA Conference Travel Award, 2022
- McCrary, LM, Roberts, KE, Bowman, MC, Castillo, B, Darling, JM, Dunn, C, Jordan, R, Young, JE, Schranz, AJ, Inpatient Hepatitis C treatment coordination and initiation for patients who inject drugs, manuscript under review.
- Shah, S, McCrary, LM, Schranz, AJ, Clarke, L, Davis, M, Marx, A, Slain, D, Stoner, BJ, Topal, J, Shields, R, Serratia endocarditis: antimicrobial management strategies and clinical outcomes, accepted to Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2023.
- McCrary, LM, Solomon, DA, Source Control: Treating opioid use disorder among inpatients with related infections, an urgent call to action, accepted (editorial comment) to AIDS, 2023.