Gary J. Weil, MD

Gary J. Weil, MD

Gerald and Judith Medoff Professor of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine and Professor, Molecular Microbiology

Dr. Weil is a Professor of Medicine and Professor of Molecular Microbiology at Washington University. His professional interests include clinical and molecular parasitology, tropical medicine and global health.

Dr. Weil’s research group conducts research on filarial nematode parasites that cause important tropical diseases such as elephantiasis and river blindness. This includes basic research on parasite biology and translational research to develop improved diagnostic tests and treatments. Weil serves as the PI for the DOLF project (Death to Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic Filariasis, Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).

Dr. Weil no longer serves as a clinical attending on the ID service. However, he leads major clinical trials and population-based field studies in Africa and Asia. He currently mentors one pediatric ID fellow and two postdoctoral fellows. He has extensive international experience and served for many years as the principal advisor to the large international electives program for medical students at Washington University.