We know PrEP Works!
Evidence from around the world shows the impact PrEP can have when it’s available. At the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam July 2018, PrEPster asked people from around the world to tell them how PrEP works for them and their community. One expert, Rupa Patel, MD, MPH, DTM&H, is an assistant professor of medicine at Washington University School of Medicine and is the Director of the Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Program in the Infectious Diseases Division. See her interview.
They asked how PrEP is having an impact on HIV diagnoses; they wanted to know if PrEP is available for anyone who wants it – or only certain groups of people; they found out if PrEP is being widely used, or if it’s too expensive and only accessible to certain people; and then they discovered what more needs to be done to ensure that PrEP works for everyone who wants it.
Find out more by watching short video clips – and then share the videos across your communities! Remember – PrEP Works!