Fellow Patrick R. Ching, MD, meets the director. after the event. The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, spoke with infectious diseases professor William Powderly, MD, during Grand Rounds on March 3, 2022. Walensky, a Washington University alum, is the 2022 Gerald Medoff Visiting Professor in the Department of Medicine. MATT MILLER/WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE
Second year fellows Priya Pal, MD, PhD, Abby Sung, MD, Gayathri Krishnan, CDC director, Rochelle Walenksy, MD, MPH, internal medicine chair, Vicky Fraser, MD, co-director infectious diseases division, Bill Powderly, MD. and 2nd year fellow, Patrick Olson, MD, PhD.