A Platform to collaborate, promote, amplify and showcase Infectious Diseases research at WashU
Oral Presentation Instructions
Poster Presentation Instructions
Selected Posters will be set up in EPNEC Great Room B from 4:15 to 5:30 pm. Poster boards space is 91″ W X 45″ H. The NUMBER of your poster (the number that precedes your poster title found in posters by category) will be pinned to the left upper corner of the poster board. Push pins will be provided at the venue in EPNEC Great Room B. Poster presenters can put up the posters any time after 3 pm on June 1. Please remove all posters after 5:30 pm but before 6 pm.
Register for this event
Susan Wightman (wightman.susan@wustl.edu)
Eric P. Newman Education Center, 320 S Euclid Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110