The Clinical Teacher Award honors a career dedicated to teaching clinical infectious diseases to fellows, residents and medical students and recognizes excellence as a clinician and motivation to teach the next generation of physicians. This year the award goes to Nigar Kirmani, MD, FIDSA.
Dr. Kirmani — a professor of medicine at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis — is a highly sought-after educator and outstanding mentor. She has trained and supervised the career development of more than 100 fellow physicians in ID and served as director of the ID fellowship training program at WUSM from 2002 to 2020. Dr. Kirmani has demonstrated an exemplary commitment to all levels of trainees including medical students, residents and fellow physicians. The fellows and residents she has trained have assumed leadership positions in ID all over the world and have authored or co-authored more than 200 articles. Over the many years she has served at WUSM, she has garnered numerous teaching and service awards, including receiving the prestigious Distinguished Service Teaching Award 12 times and being named Lecturer of the Year in 2014.
Congratulations, Dr. Kirmani on the 2023 Clinical Teacher Award earned for your wisdom, compassion and legacy of effective teaching.